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The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project

This project developed some results this year in the drinking water management application maintenance. It expanded functions of 2008 water testing of reservoirs and towers of tap water, performance evaluation of drinkwater management of environmental protection bureaus, and added dioxin item to the water testing function and other functions. The application had got failure 4 times during this project and be repaired and recoverd in the same day. The database backup procedures proceed properly. The application transformed tap water testing data from EEMS daily and up to 10,282 records this year. This project also checked the drinking water web pages weekly, updates the statistics data of drinking water management, rules and websites that were related to drink water management. The web expanded new pages of Q & A of safety about drinking water wells, safety guideline about drinking water wells. This web site got the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service.
Drinking Water;Application maintenance;Database